

2 November 2023 (Fri)

Start time: 10:00

Location: Nagasaki International University Room 7201

Contest coincides with the first day of the Kaikokusai festival at NIU

Application period: 1 August ~ 30 September 7 October (Deadline Extended!)


Contest objective:

  • To promote global awareness and critical thinking skills in high school students

  • To support the growth and development of English language skills in high school students.

Contest regulations

Target language: English


  • Global Tourism and Sustainable Development

  • Global Tourism and Well-Being

  • Global Tourism and World Peace

  • Global Tourism and Planetary Boundaries

    *Please choose one of the four themes

Judging criteria:

  1. Speech content: connection to the theme, overall message, organization of ideas, natural expressions

  2. English presentation skills: pronunciation, intonation, feeling

  3. Non-verbal communication: eye contact, natural facial expressions, natural gestures (don’t overdo it!)

Presenters have a limit of 3 minutes in which to present.

Prizes (gift certificates): 1st place ¥30,000・2nd place ¥20,000・3rd place ¥10,000・Honorable mention ¥5,000)

Terms and Conditions

  • This contest is open to all students enrolled at a senior high school in Japan. Each high school is limited to a maximum of three students per language category.

  • Contest applications will close once the limit for participants of each language section has been reached. After applying, an email confirming your successful entry into the contest will be sent.

  • Speeches must be written by the contestant and be in line with the theme.

  • Participants allow Nagasaki International University to use their photo for future contest-related promotions.


Thom Rawson: thomw*niu.ac.jp
Atsuko Ibata: ibata*niu.ac.jp
* = @
TEL: 0965-39-2020

主催:長崎国際大学 国際観光学科 Presented by the Dept. of International Tourism, Global Tourism Course