2 November 2023 (Fri)
Start time: 10:00
Location: Nagasaki International University Room 7201
Contest coincides with the first day of the Kaikokusai festival at NIU
Application period: 1 August ~ 30 September 7 October (Deadline Extended!)
Contest objective:
To promote global awareness and critical thinking skills in high school students
To support the growth and development of English language skills in high school students.
Contest regulations
Target language: English
Global Tourism and Sustainable Development
Global Tourism and Well-Being
Global Tourism and World Peace
Global Tourism and Planetary Boundaries
*Please choose one of the four themes
Judging criteria:
Speech content: connection to the theme, overall message, organization of ideas, natural expressions
English presentation skills: pronunciation, intonation, feeling
Non-verbal communication: eye contact, natural facial expressions, natural gestures (don’t overdo it!)
Presenters have a limit of 3 minutes in which to present.
Prizes (gift certificates): 1st place ¥30,000・2nd place ¥20,000・3rd place ¥10,000・Honorable mention ¥5,000)
Terms and Conditions
This contest is open to all students enrolled at a senior high school in Japan. Each high school is limited to a maximum of three students per language category.
Contest applications will close once the limit for participants of each language section has been reached. After applying, an email confirming your successful entry into the contest will be sent.
Speeches must be written by the contestant and be in line with the theme.
Participants allow Nagasaki International University to use their photo for future contest-related promotions.
Thom Rawson: thomw*niu.ac.jp
Atsuko Ibata: ibata*niu.ac.jp
* = @
TEL: 0965-39-2020
主催:長崎国際大学 国際観光学科 Presented by the Dept. of International Tourism, Global Tourism Course