2020 Global Leadership Forum

Own Your Future - The Choice is Yours!
- Meg Mizutani -


The Global Leadership Forum is an annual event hosted by the Global Tourism program at Nagasaki International University. The Global Leadership Forum is an opportunity to hear diverse opinions on topics related to globalization, tourism, education and leadership from experts in these fields. Attendees at the Global Leadership Forum have a chance to hear unique stories and insights from presenters with extensive experience and interact with them in challenging and dynamic ways.


Due to the risks associated with COVID-19, the Global Leadership Forum will be held via the Zoom virtual conference software. To participate in the event, register for the event at no cost.

Date & Time

Date: December 12, 2020
Time: !0:00 ~ 12:00


The Global Leadership forum is proud to present “Own Your Future - The Choice is Yours!“ by Meg Mizutani. Meg Mizutani is an educator, community activist and advocate for citizen diplomacy. She is Chair of Japanese Sister City Program of Sebastopol World Friends, a sister city organization of the city of Sebastopol, California. She is also President and a co-founder of California-Japan Sister Cities Network. She holds a B.A. in International Legal Studies from Sophia University and a M.S. in Educational Psychology from California University East Bay. Her previous work experience includes global finance, counseling, and social work.


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